2017 m. rugpjūčio 16 d., trečiadienis

Dubline nušauti vyras ir moteris

The scene of the shooting in Dublin housing estate 

Šiandien po pietų šiauriniame Dubline nušauti vyras (30-ties metų) ir moteris  (40-ties metų), praneša Independent.ie.




Almost 58,550 candidates receive results today

16th August 2017

The  State  Examinations  Commission  (SEC)  congratulates  and  wishes  well  for  the future  the  candidates  who sat the  Leaving Certificate examination in 2017  and  whose results issued today.

The  statements  of  provisional  results  of  this  year’s  examinations  are  available  in schools today. From midday, students who are not in a position to collect their results in person from their school can access them through the SEC’s internet results service.

General Overview of the Leaving Certificate

The  overall  number  sitting  the  examinations  has  increased  by  0.1%  from  58,465 candidates in  2016  to  58,543  in 2017.  Of  the candidates who sat Leaving Certificate examinations  this  year,  55,770  candidates  followed  the  Leaving  Certificate (Established)  programme,  of  which  14,025  (25%)  followed  the  Leaving  Certificate Vocational  Programme.  A  further  2,773  (4.7%)  candidates  followed  the  Leaving  Certificate Applied Programme.

There has been an upward shift in participation rates at Higher Level across almost all subjects. While the  overall range of  results obtained  in 2017  remain  broadly in line with those of previous years,  the shift in candidature to Higher Level consequentially has had some impact on the results profiles at both Higher and Ordinary levels. This is evident at the lower grades at Higher Level and the upper grades at Ordinary level.

New Leaving Certificate Grading System

A new grading system was applied  to all Leaving Certificate subjects in  2017. The new grading system reduces the number of grades from 14 in the old system, which was in place since 1992, to 8 under the revised arrangements. There has been no change in the examination  standards  of  the  Leaving  Certificate,  rather  the  change  relates  to  how candidates’  results  are  reported  to  them  through  the  new  grading  system.  More information on this new system is available below in the Notes for Editors.

What Candidates Should Do Next

Candidates  are  strongly  advised  to  consult  the  Leaving  Certificate  Candidate Information Booklet  that  they received  earlier this year,  when deciding on their next course  of  action.  (A  copy  of  this  booklet  is  available  on  the  SEC  website www.examinations.ie)  Candidates should adhere to the instructions provided in order to  ensure  that  they  lodge  valid  requests  for  viewing  marked  scripts  and  appealing results.

Viewing of Marked Scripts

This  free  service  offers  all  candidates  the  opportunity  to  view  one  or  more  of  their marked examination scripts and to see how the marking scheme has been applied to their work. This facility assists  candidates in deciding whether or not to lodge  an appeal against a result.  With the xception of external candidates, all applications for Viewing of Marked Scripts should be made through the candidate’s school. The closing date for receipt of completed application forms in schools is Tuesday 22nd  August 2017.

External  candidates  should  follow  the  instructions  that  accompany  their  provisional statement  of  results.   Candidates  will  have  access  to  the  Marking  Schemes  at  the viewing sessions  and will be able to see how these  were  applied  to their work.  The Viewing of Scripts will take place in schools on Friday 1st September and Saturday 2nd September 2017.

Marking Schemes

Marking  Schemes  in  all  Leaving  Certificate  subjects  will  be  published  and  made available to schools to facilitate the Viewing of Marked Scripts. The marking schemes will also be available on www.examinations.ie.


School-based  candidates  who  wish  to  appeal  should  do  so  through  their  school. External  candidates  should  follow  the  instructions  that  accompany  their  provisional statement  of  results.   All  appeal  applications  must  be  with  the  State  Examinations Commission by 5pm on Wednesday 6th  September. Results of appeals will be issued in mid-October.

Admissions to Higher Education

The  SEC  transmits  the  results  of  all  candidates  electronically  to  the  Central Applications Office (CAO). This brings about the earliest possible issue of college place offers to candidates.

Chief Examiners’ Reports

Chief Examiners' Reports provide a review of the performance of candidates in the examinations  and  contain  detailed  analysis  of  all  aspects  of  the  examining  process. They also contain recommendations for teachers and students and generally include examples of candidates’ answers.  There has been a difference in emphasis in the Chief Examiners Reports since 2013, which has linked the assessment objectives with the learning objectives outlined in the syllabi.  Reports are published in a selected number of  subjects  and  programmes  each  year.   Following  the  2017  examinations,  Chief Examiners’ Reports will be published in the Leaving Certificate subjects,  Irish, Home economics,  Engineering,  and History.    It is expected to publish the  reports in Spring 2018.

Leaving Certificate Applied Programme

This year,  2,773  students  took their final stage examinations in the two year Leaving Certificate Applied (LCA) programme. LCA students have been building their credits right through the two years of their Leaving Certificate course,  so today brings the final stage and full recognition of their achievements.

The results for LCA students differ from those of their counterparts in the established Leaving Certificate. Graduates from the LCA programme receive a single award made on the basis of credits accumulated over the two year cycle.  This  award is given at three levels:  Pass for those students with total credits of 60% or over but less than  70%; Merit for 70% or over but less than 85%; and Distinction for 85% and above.

The numbers taking the LCA programme over the past five years and the grades awarded are shown in the following table.

Leaving Certificate Vocational Programme

The  Leaving  Certificate  Vocational  Programme  (LCVP)  is  an  optional,  two  year, academic and experience-based programme, available in 2 out of 3 post-primary  schools. Candidates  following  the  LCVP  take  a  specified  range  of  Leaving  Certificate (established)  subjects  as  well  as  a  formal  and  practical  programme  called  the  Links Modules. The Links Modules consists of compulsory work experience and enterprise activity together with personal vocational exploration and substantial use of information technology.

The numbers taking the subject over the past five  years and the grades awarded are shown in the following table:

Non-curricular EU Languages

The SEC provides examinations in a range of EU non-curricular languages. In order to simplify  the  administration  of  these  examinations,  all  non-curricular  EU  language subjects were again scheduled for a single examination session this year. It is intended to continue this practice in future years.

There is a slight increase in the candidature for the non-curricular EU languages this year – a total of 1,431 as against 1,425 in 2016.

The following table provides the number of candidates in these language subjects in 2017.

Advice for Candidates

A helpline facility will be operating from early on 16th August to provide information and advice to students and parents at results time.  The helpline number operated by the National Parents’ Council (Post-Primary) is: 1800 265 165

(Note: This helpline facility is not operated by the State Examinations Commission)

All statistics provided in this press release are provisional for 2017  and as such are subject to enquiry and appeal.

The SEC publishes on its website (www.examinations.ie) statistical documentation on the results of  the 2017  Leaving Certificate examinations for all subject levels  with  10 candidates  or more. For reasons of candidate confidentiality,  the SEC  only  publishes details of individual subjects/levels for 10 or more candidates.

2013 figures include 2,743 External and 1,948 Repeat Candidates.
2014 figures include 2,578 External and 1,768 Repeat Candidates.
2015 figures include 2,616 External and 1,670 Repeat Candidates.
2016 figures include 2,819 External and 1,445 Repeat Candidates.
2017 figures include 2,623 External and 1,172 Repeat Candidates.

Access to Exam Results

Results are available on-line from 12:00 midday Wednesday, 16th  August, 2017.

Access  to  the  on-line  results  service,  which  requires  the  use  of  the  candidate’s examination number and unique candidate Personal Identification Number, is through www.examinations.ie.

The closing date for receipt of completed application forms to view scripts is Tuesday 22nd  August 2017.  The closing date for receipt  by the SEC  of applications to appeal results is Wednesday 6th September 2017.

2017 metų mokyklų baigimo sertifikatai: nauja sistema ir rezultatai

Trečiadienį 58 550 mokinių Airijoje sužinojo Leaving Certificate rezultatus

Kitų metų biudžete siūloma didinti mokesčius dyzeliniam kurui

Airijos finansų departamentas siūlo kitų metų biudžete didinti mokesčius dyzeliniam kurui, praneša „The Irish Times“.

2017 m. rugpjūčio 15 d., antradienis

Nauja kampanija Airijoje ragina kovoti su rasizmu

Airijos viešojo transporto kompanijos pradėjo anti-rasistinę kampaniją “We’re made of the same stuff” (Mes visi iš to paties padaryti). Kampanija, bendradarbiaujant su Airijos Imigrantų taryba, Dublino miesto taryba ir “Transport for Ireland”, ragina žmones pranešti apie visus rasinės apraiškos ir prievartos atvejus viešojo transporto sistemoje, praneša Journal.ie.

Nekilnojamojo turto savininkų nesudomino beveik 40 000 eurų dotacija, skirta atrestauruoti namus ir išnuomoti juos vietinei valdžiai

Iki šių metų pabaigos valstybė pažadėjo suteikti iki 800 namų, skirtų socialiniam būstui - vien tik Dubline yra daugiau nei 20 000 laisvų namų. Tačiau visoje šalyje tik septyni nekilnojamojo turto savininkai kreipėsi dėl dotacijos, kuri siekia iki 40 000 eurų, kad galėtų atnaujinti namus ir išnuomoti juos vietinei valdžiai, kuri skirtų juos šeimoms, likusioms be būsto, informuoja Journal.ie.

2017 m. rugpjūčio 14 d., pirmadienis

Ar jau vasara baigėsi?

© Irish Mirror People with umbrellas in Dublin. The decent weather we've been enjoying recently will come to an abrupt end today when heavy rain and gusty winds sweep in. 

Jungtinė Karalystė ketina pasiūlyti Airijai specialų sandorį dėl “Brexit”

Didžiosios Britanijos premjerė Theresa May šią savaitę ketina paskelbti strateginį dokumentą dėl anglų ir airių santykių, kuriame bus siūloma abiems šalims įteisinti “Šengeno erdvę”, praneša Independent.ie.